  • Shamanic Ceremonies for Women’s Transitions across the Lifespan

    It is not easy for males or females to connect to their Core Self or the Sacred Divine within themselves. In addition, as the individual develops from a child, into an adolescent, into an adult, into middle age, and then into his or her older age, there are no longer societal markers or ceremonial rituals that support and hold sacred those milestones. As a result, individuals often bumble through them, resulting in negative rather than positive transitions. Our male-dominated society makes it is even more difficult for the female to be successful at these shifts. This guidebook will present literature related to ceremony and detail a basic general template for conducting a Shamanic Ceremony. Using the template, it will detail complete ceremonies that mark the major transitions in the life of the female, beginning with the birth of the girl child and ending with the death of the Crone. These ceremonies can be powerful markers for female life transitions and can be used, as cultures in the past regularly did, to support and facilitate these transitions. From these ceremonies, it will be clear that we can celebrate both our female-ness and our transitions.


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