The Circle of Life—The Day, The Month, The Year
Our technological culture is linear. For example, in a plant’s life, there is birth as it emerges from the ground, life, and then death as it withers. Our culture believes that once death occurs, that is it.
Other, more indigenous, cultures are based on a circle. There is no beginning, nor end. It cycles and recycles through the Circle of Life, never ending. The plant does not end when it dies. Rather, it transforms into something else, like food for the next plant.
In the circle, there is no beginning and there is no end.
Although there are slight variations according to culture, the Celtic culture in which I am trained lays out the Circle of Life in the following way:
There is the North at 12 o’clock, an East at 3 o’clock, a South at 6 o’clock, and a West at 9 o’clock. The day, the month, and the year all begin in the North. That is the dark time of the day, night, and month. Midnight is the Dark time of the Day, the Dark Moon is the Dark time of the month, and Winter is the Dark time of the year.
Moving clockwise, Dawn, the First Quarter Moon, and Spring arrive as the sun rises in the East at 3 o’clock. Continuing clockwise, Noon, Full Moon, and Summer are at 6 o’clock and evening, the Last Quarter, and Fall are at 9 o’clock. Then, back to 12 o’clock and midnight, the Dark Moon, and Winter.
This continues to cycle around every day, every month, and every year so, at any given time, you can place yourself on the Circle of Life.
A good reason to be aware and keep track of where you are time-wise on the Circle—in terms of day, month, and year—is because that is the energy, or feeling, around you.
Pay attention to how it feels when it is a Dark Moon versus a Full Moon. Or, as the Sun’s light increases in the Spring versus the Darker times in the Winter. There is an ebb and flow of the energy around us as we cycle the Circle of Life. Without our awareness, the never ending cycling affects us and those around us.
The Circle of Life Journeys Blog
The Circle of Life Journeys blog is my InWorld history. From my very first Journey, I have written as I am within them. This affords me the opportunity to maintain both the details, as well as the general picture. Unbeknownst to me, this has been a tremendous skill to have mastered, because it has allowed me to have the history, in written form, that I have.
I do not post a blog on every Circle of Life Journey I have done, but I do post one if it has relevance to something or is unique or important enough to share.
The directed Journeys that I took during my seven years of Shaman training were all written down. I did not have someone there speaking them to me. If you are visual enough, you, too, will be able to come with me when I am InWorld, go where I go, and meet whom I meet.
You can use these blogs in the following ways:
- To connect to the Divine, to the Other Worlds, to the deeply spiritual—Connecting is a big aspect of them. In many of the journeys, I am taught amazing things. You can learn from these as much as I do.
- To learn an inner map of the InWorlds. If you are new to Journeying, you can also begin to learn the inner map of the InWorlds as you walk with me while you are reading the Journey.
The Circle of Life Journey blogs will reflect the changes as the day, the month and the year cycle around the Circle of Life and what lessons I learned from the journey.
I encourage you to add your insight in a comment below!
Circle of Life Guided Journeys
The Circle of Life Guided Journeys that are available in the Sell & Share store move to the deeper level of Guided Journeys.
In these Guided Journeys, I will take you on ‘walks’ InWorld to learn, as I do, about the flow of life and connect more deeply to the Earth and the Universe. There are extraordinary teachers InWorld, from whom I have learned a tremendous amount and I hope you will, too.
Remember, you can also submit a request for a customized Guided Journey. You can contact me HERE.
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